Gilbert Wooley is a second-rate magician who is sent to entertain the troops in the pacific. During his time in Japan he becomes attached to a little orphan boy.
A down-and-out gangster hires an alcoholic press agent to make his blonde bombshell girlfriend a recording star in 6 weeks. But what is he going to do when he finds out that she has no talent? And what is going to happen when the two fall in love?
在一座中世纪的城堡里,当地的居民人心惶惶,因为高大恐怖的巨人来到了附近,他们各自为性命担忧。与此同时,小裁缝米奇(沃尔特·迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)拍死七只苍蝇,却被以讹传讹说成杀过七个巨人。国王大喜过望,将米奇召进王宫,任命他为巨人杀手。肩负着国民的重托,又有美丽公主米妮(玛西丽特·加纳 Marcellite Garner 配音)以身相许,米奇骑虎难下,只身前往野外寻找巨人。正当他一筹莫展之时,巨人踏着沉重的步伐出现了。 米奇想方设法躲避,可是仍不得不和巨人面对面过招,他该如何是好?